The “Atlantis Cup® – Autonomy Regatta” – took place for the first time in 1988 and has become and consolidated, year after year, as the main cruising sailing regatta held in the Azorean sea and one of the most important events cruise sailing held in Portugal, being undeniably a factor in promoting and publicizing our islands abroad.

The “Atlantis Cup® – Regata da Autonomia” has the high sponsorship of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Regional Government of the Azores, whose support is essential for the completion of this race. We recognize the importance of our sponsors, who understand the dynamics and relevance of this regatta and its role in uniting all the islands of the archipelago. We also cannot fail to highlight the valuable contribution of the Azores Regional Sailing Association, the various Naval Clubs, the Municipal Chambers, the port authority and the maritime authority. The support of all these entities over the years has been fundamental, bringing together efforts and strengthening the bonds of friendship that unite these nine islands. Together, we turned the “Atlantis Cup® – Autonomy Regatta” into a truly unique and memorable event.

It should be noted that the “Atlantis Cup® – Regata da Autonomia” will end in Horta, on the official opening day of Maritime Week.

36 Anos da Atlantis Cup® – Edição de 2025
The Atlantis Cup® – Regata da Autonomia decorrerá de 26 de Julho a 3 de Agosto e conta com o Alto Patrocínio da Assembleia Legislativa da Região Autónoma dos Açores.
Além das etapas offshore a ligar as ilhas de São Miguel, Terceira, Graciosa e Faial, contará com regatas técnicas Inshore para a classe ORC em São Miguel, Terceira e Faial.

Atlantis Cup® News

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Bem-vindo, Asante, à Atlantis Cup® 2025!
É com enorme satisfação que anunciamos o Asante como o primeiro barco a inscrever-se...
Boas Festas 2024
Nesta época festiva, a Atlantis Cup® – Regata da Autonomia deseja-lhe um Natal repleto...
Atlantis Cup® – Regata da Autonomia – Agradecimento do Clube Naval da Horta
A Atlantis Cup® – Regata da Autonomia 2024 foi mais um grande sucesso, e...
We await your contact, come and participate in this year's edition.
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1º dia de regata
Inshore em Angra
Inshore em Velas
Photo gallery

Some photos from previous events. Also see the multimedia section where our magazines and videos are available.

Contact Form

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    Common questions

    Find answers to the most common questions and solve your doubts.

    Registration information for the Atlantis Cup® will be available on our official website as soon as it opens. Be sure to check the website regularly for the latest updates and instructions on how to proceed with registration.

    The Atlantis Cup® is an ocean sailing regatta that accepts various categories of vessels, including monohulls and multihulls, of different sizes and classes. Please see our policy for specific details on permitted categories.

    While some racing experience is recommended, the Atlantis Cup® is open to sailors of all skill levels. However, it is important to be familiar with the rules of navigation and ocean sailing techniques to ensure a safe and successful participation.

    Yes, in addition to the exciting competitions at sea, the Atlantis Cup® offers a variety of social activities and fellowship events for participants to enjoy, including opening and closing ceremonies, themed parties and opportunities to meet other sailors and sailing enthusiasts.

    What is said about the Atlantis Cup®
    I really like the Atlantis Cup, I think it's the regatta of regattas, the regatta we focus on most and it's the race I like doing the most! Competition as “il faut”, enough cruise, fabulous conviviality!

    The race model is fantastic, it allows you to do sports, regattas and at the same time, it allows you to discover the islands. The connection this regatta makes between the islands is very interesting. Participating in this is even more interesting.
    It's always a great pleasure and great emotion to do this regatta, it's been many years! And see friends that we don't have the pleasure of seeing throughout the year.
    grupo bensaúde